Peer Mediation
Peer Mediation
The aim of peer mediation is for “Peers” to resolve conflict within the school playground using mediation.
What is Peer Mediation?
Peer mediation is a process by which children and young people themselves help their peers resolve conflict in a constructive, non-violent way. It involves two trained mediators helping their peers deal with conflict through a series of mediation steps. The conflicts can include fights in the playground, rumour-spreading, or different types of bullying behaviour. During peer mediation disagreements are faced and brought out into the open with the help of the peer mediators. Importantly, shared understanding and agreements are worked toward through careful exploration of the conflict. Peer mediation also enhances strengths and builds resilience among children and young people who are involved in it. Among other things it cultivates leadership skills, communication skills, cooperation skills, confidence and tolerance. As such it is helpful and beneficial to all children and young people.
Peer Mediation Training
Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils complete a training programme which uses interactive methodologies and cooperative learning techniques to prepare them for their new roles. Activities include games, role-plays and group discussions. At Roe Valley Integrated PS we love the Peer Mediation programme because it develops the young mediators’ self-esteem, but it also develops their investigative, listening and diplomacy skills. During their sessions with school staff, the children learn about accountability and how to act responsibly in relation to others. They reflect on their own experiences and learn to listen to accounts of conflicts objectively. They also explore ways to deal with situations to everyone’s satisfaction. By drawing on their real-life experiences and posing realistic scenarios, the peer mediation training programme keeps the pupils’ attention and encourages participation.
What does the job involve?
Children in the playground, at times, feel they would rather ask a peer mediator to help them resolve their issues in the playground. The mediation process involves two peer mediators sitting in a quiet area with the children involved and finding a resolution. If the mediators feel they are not equipped to deal with the conflict then it is referred to a member of staff. However, our mediators often find that they are able to resolve the situations themselves.
Mediators are required to keep a record of any conflict resolution that occurs in the playground. There is a book where entries should be logged at the end of every lunch time.
What support is given to a peer mediator?
Due to the nature of this job and the fact that it can sometimes be demanding, support is always on hand. Weekly meetings are held to discuss which strategies are successful when resolving conflicts and any areas with which they require some support.
Our mediators say their important role has been extremely beneficial to the children in the playground as well as themselves. The children’s confidence has improved and we think they all do a fantastic job!