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Roe Valley Integrated Primary School Limavady


2022/2023 School Year

1st Feb 2023
St. Brigid’s Day is celebrated on 1 st February. For some families in our...
27th Jan 2023
Primary 5 boys and girls presented a special assembly to the whole school today...
27th Jan 2023
Primary 4 have been working extremely hard exploring and learning all the different...
27th Jan 2023
Primary 4 had a wonderful week learning lots about Chinese New Year . We created...
26th Jan 2023
Primary 7 have had a great time this week exploring Chinese New Year. In ICT we...
25th Jan 2023
As part of our theme 'In the Toy Box', we have been learning about toys from the...
25th Jan 2023
As part of our celebrations for Chinese New Year, P6 created these fabulous Chinese...